Cultural Studies: International Issues and Global Relations (AA-DTA)

Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)
(93 credits)

Program Description

You’re passionate about diversity, culture, and human connection. Become an urban planner, translate for a literary publisher, study abroad, or become an advocate for cultures around the world. Get started with this guide. As a student, you’ll work your Educational & Career Planner to work toward the finish line.

Career Opportunities

  • Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teacher, Postsecondary
  • Social Science Research Assistant

  • Archeologist

  • Curator

Program Requirements

In planning this degree students need to work closely with their advisor or a counselor as although the Associate in Arts Degree transfers to four-year colleges and universities in Washington State, it may not meet specific department requirements. (For example, business, engineering, education, etc.)

To earn an Associate in Arts degree all courses taken must be:

  • At college level (numbered 100 or above).
  • A minimum of 75 of the 90 credits required for the degree must be from the General Education Requirements for the Associate in Arts & Science – Direct Transfer Agreement. Copies of the list are available on line at
  • A maximum of 15 credits will be allowed for courses numbered 100 or above that are not on the General Education list.
  • A class can only count once toward General Education requirements. For example, MATH 205 will satisfy either QUANTITATIVE or NATURAL SCIENCE course requirements, but not both.
  • A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above in all college-level courses required.
  • Although this degree is a general transfer degree, South Puget Sound Community College has provided pathways and associated recommended courses for ease of student selection based upon a student’s career interest. Please review the pathway maps for recommended courses and course sequences.