College Career Success (CCS)

CCS 101 Pathways to Success 3 Credits
Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 090 or higher.
CCS 102 Career Planning Seminar 2 Credits
Helps students prepare for careers by exploring resources for job preparation, networking, and professional development. Includes creating resumes, cover letters, and an appropriate social media presence. Eligible for ENGL 090 or above recommended.
Prerequisite: None.
CCS 103 Transfer Preparation 2 Credits
Prepares students to understand and plan for the process of transferring to four-year universities as part of their education plan.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives
CCS 104 Career Preparation 2 Credits
Prepares students to understand and plan for the process of transitioning to the workforce within their chosen career path.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives
CCS 105 Research Support 2 Credits
Introduces library research concepts, methods, and tools. Will help students consider perspectives behind current information issues and understand how they impact society. The course is designed to be taken in conjunction with any course that includes a research component.
Prerequisite: None.
CCS 198 Writing Lab 1-2 Credits
Supports student learning in one or more writing-intensive classes by providing regular tutoring sessions with Writing Center tutors. Students who enroll in CCS 198 must also enroll in at least one SPSCC course with regularly assigned writing projects. For each credit of CCS 198, students are required to schedule two hour-long appointments in the Writing Center per week (totaling 2 hours/week for 1 credit or 4 hours/week for 2 credits).
Prerequisite: None.
CCS 200 Writing Tutor Training 2 Credits
Introduces the foundational knowledge, skills, and theory of one-to-one writing tutoring, including the role of the writing tutor and writing center best practices. ENGL& 102 or instructor's permission.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENGL& 102 or instructor's permission.