Drama (DRMA)

Drama (DRMA)

DRMA 120 Stagecraft 2 Credits
Surveys the basic principles of stagecraft and their practical application to scenery, properties, lighting, sound, and stage equipment.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 140 Fundamentals of Stage Management 5 Credits
Introduces the principles and practices of stage management in live theatre.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: DRMA& 101 or DRMA 298 or instructor's permission.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 160 Acting I 5 Credits
Develops basic skills through direct application of contemporary Western acting theories to scene work in the context of the entire play.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 201 Topics in Theatre and Culture: Diversity 5 Credits
Explores a focused topic in theatre and cultural studies. Integrates theatrical concepts in the context of a current topical theme such as feminism, race, gender, or social justice.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 098 or ENGL& 101 and concurrent enrollment in DRMA& 101.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities, Diversity
DRMA 260 Acting II 5 Credits
Develops additional and intermediate skills through direct application of contemporary Western acting theories to scene work in the context of the entire play.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: DRMA 160.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 261 Acting III/Directing 5 Credits
Develops additional and advanced skills through direct application of contemporary Western acting theories and directing theories to scene work in the context of the entire play.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: DRMA 260.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 271 Theatre Production Practicum: Non-Musical Play 5 Credits
Introduces the theory, methods and analysis of theatre productions including acting, and/or technical theatre scenery construction, costumes, properties, box office, lighting and sound through practical application during the production of a play.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 272 Theatre Production Practicum: Non-Musical Playbb 5 Credits
Introduces the theory, methods and analysis of theatre productions including acting, and/or technical theatre scenery construction, costumes, properties, box office, lighting and sound through practical application during the production of a play in a black box setting.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 273 Theatre Production Practicum: Musical 5 Credits
Introduces the theory, methods and analysis of theatre productions including acting, and/or technical theatre scenery construction, costumes, properties, box office, lighting and sound through practical application during the production of a musical.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities
DRMA 298 Production-Theatre Lab 2 Credits
Practical application of acting and/or technical theatre-scenery, construction, costumes, properties, box office, lighting and sound during the production of a play. This course was formerly known as THEA 273.
Prerequisite: None.

Drama (CCN) (DRMA&)

DRMA& 101 Introduction to Theatre 5 Credits
Surveys key theories, movements, and figures in theatre history with an emphasis on Western theatre. Introduces theatre as an art form with emphasis on approaches to creating a production through the tools used by various theatre artists, playwrights, directors, actors, and designers.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Humanities