Tribal Reservation (ABER)
ABER 075
HS21+ Portfolio II
1-5 Credits
Provides high school credits that meet the Washington state high school graduation requirements as applicable for community college student whose goals include earning a high school diploma. This competency-based class allows students to work at their own pace through both direct and self-guided instruction to develop a portfolio of demonstrated Proficiency for high school credits.
Prerequisite: "S" or concurrent enrollment in ABE 006 and have completed 18 credits toward HS+ Diploma completion.
ABER 076
High School Equivalency Test Preparation
1-5 Credits
Prepares adult students in the skills and knowledge needed to earn a high school equivalency (HSE) certificate through testing.
Prerequisite: "S" or concurrent enrollment in ABE 006 and BEdA placement test score into low intermediate or higher math.