American Sign Language (ASL)

American Sign Language (ASL)

ASL 250  Global Deaf Culture: Diversity  5 Credits  
Explores global diversity in Deaf culture and signed languages, as well as the lived experiences of Deaf people in communities around the world. Focuses on the Deaf world as a new paradigm that challenges prevailing views of the Deaf community.
Prerequisite: None.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  

American Sign Language (CCN) (ASL&)

ASL 121  American Sign Language I  5 Credits  
Introduces the two basic skills of American Sign Language (ASL): receptive and expressive skills. Studies language within its cultural context.
Prerequisite: None.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  
ASL 122  American Sign Language II  5 Credits  
Builds on ASL& 121 to work towards mastery of American Sign Language (ASL) by gaining a deeper insight of vocabulary, grammar, receptive/expressive skills, and deaf history and increased knowledge about Deaf culture and community.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ASL& 121 with a C or better, demonstrate equivalent proficiency, or instructor's permission.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  
ASL 123  American Sign Language III  5 Credits  
Builds on ASL& 122 to work towards mastery of American Sign Language (ASL) with focus on grammatical features that include visual, spatial and non-verbal components. Intensive work on development of receptive/expressive skills and vocabulary. Continuation of study of Deaf culture and community.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ASL& 122 with a C or better, demonstrate equivalent proficiency, or instructor's permission.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  
ASL 221  American Sign Language IV  5 Credits  
Emphasizes expressive and receptive skills development and American Sign Language fluency. Focus on correcting formation of signs, movement, rhythm, and clarity. Idioms and slang taught.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ASL& 123 with a C or better, demonstrate equivalent proficiency, or instructor's permission.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  
ASL 222  American Sign Language V  5 Credits  
Continues development of American Sign Language fluency - includes expressive and receptive skills, vocabulary (including ASL idioms and slang) and ASL grammar; introduces ASL linguistics.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ASL& 221 with a C or better, demonstrate equivalent proficiency, or instructor's permission.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities  
ASL 223  American Sign Language VI  5 Credits  
Continues development of American Sign Language fluency, including increased proficiency in ASL grammar, linguistics, and non-manual features through intensive conversational and public speaking exercises, as well as, increased vocabulary, ASL idioms, and slang.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ASL& 222 with a C or better, demonstrate equivalent proficiency, or instructor's permission.  
Distribution Requirements: Humanities