Engineering (ENGR)
Engineering (ENGR)
ENGR 203
Mechanics of Materials
5 Credits
Introduces elasticity, normal and shearing stresses and strains, bending moments, torsion, compound stress, and deflection.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENGR& 214
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives
ENGR 204
Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
2 Credits
Introduces experimental techniques for measuring stresses and strains associated with the compression, tension, bending, and torsion in structural members.
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives
Engineering (CCN) (ENGR&)
ENGR& 214
5 Credits
Introduces the concepts of center of mass, force systems, vector resultants, and static equilibrium.
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: MATH& 151 and PHYS& 221.
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives
ENGR& 215
5 Credits
Covers the kinematics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENGR& 214
Distribution Requirements: Specified Electives