Psychology (PSYC)
Psychology (APPSY)
Human Sexuality
5 Credits
Prerequisite: None
Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 116
Psychology of Human Relations: Diversity
5 Credits
Introduces students to the psychology of human relationships. Examines how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact communication in a multicultural world.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 098 or ENGL& 101.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science, Diversity
PSYC 203
Human Sexuality
5 Credits
Focuses on the scientific study of human sexuality and sexual behaviors throughout life using a biopsychosocial approach.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a B- or better in ENGL 095 or a C or better in ENGL 098
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 206
Social Psychology
5 Credits
Focuses on the scientific study of people's thoughts, feelings, and behavior in a social context.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 098 or ENGL& 101.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 209
Social Science Research Methods
5 Credits
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with POLS 209 and SOC 209.
Prerequisite: None.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 210
Personality Theories
5 Credits
Analyzes the major theories of personality development and the dynamics of personality, including causes of individual differences, sociocultural influences, and changes in personality.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 098 or ENGL& 101.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 235
Psychosocial Issues in Health Care I
2 Credits
Examines determinants of health and illness including social, psychological, environmental, spiritual, and cultural dimensions across the lifespan and within the context of health care. This course fulfills a requirement for the nursing program and is available only to nursing program students.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 2nd quarter courses and concurrent enrollment in NURS 131, 132, 142 and PSYC 235
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 236
Psychosocial Issues in Health Care II
3 Credits
Emphasizes psychosocial nursing and interpersonal therapeutics for assessment, intervention, and health promotion with individuals, families, and groups. Second in a series of two courses. This course fulfills a requirement for the nursing program and is available only to nursing program students.
Prerequisite: NURS 3rd Qtr (PW Qtr 10)
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC 275
Current Issues in Brain Development
5 Credits
Examines how the brain develops, trends in brain development, and the applications and implications for educating and working with children and adults. Cross-listed with ECED 275.
Prerequisite: None.
Psychology (CCN (PSYC&)
PSYC& 100
General Psychology
5 Credits
Introduces the science of psychology and the application of psychological concepts as they relate to everyday life.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Eligible for ENGL 098 or ENGL& 101.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science
PSYC& 200
Lifespan Psychology
5 Credits
Studies the development and changes in human behavior from conception to death with focus on biological, cultural, and social influences.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a B- or better in ENGL 095 or a C or better in ENGL 098.
Distribution Requirements: Social Science